
Cupping Therapy
The cups stay on the body for 5-15 minutes depending on the skin coloration that the cupping suction creates and the health condition being treated. The 20 or 30 minute time slot is to allow for you to talk to your practitioner, ask questions, change clothes and receive a treatment. We ask that you be mindful of your appointment time and keep your questions to less than 10 minutes so that the practitioner is able to give you a treatment during the allotted time.

Cupping Therapy
Suction is created by using fire, also known as fire cupping or a mechanical pump. If your practitioner decides to use fire to create the suction, the cups are not hot. Fire cupping involves soaking a cotton ball with 90% alcohol. The cotton is then clamped by a pair of forceps and lit via match or lighter. The flaming cotton ball is then, in one fluid motion, placed into the cup, quickly removed, and placed on the skin. By placing fire briefly inside the glass cup, oxygen is removed, and a small amount of suction is created due to the air contracting. The cups are a comfortable temperature when they touch your skin. Massage oil may be applied to create a better seal as well as allow the cups to glide over muscle groups (also called “moving cupping” or “sliding cupping”). The cups remain in place for five to fifteen minutes depending on the condition being treated. Cupping helps treat pain, deep scar tissue in the muscles and connective tissues, muscle knots, adhesions, and restrictions in the body.
If you already have an appointment (acupuncture, NRT, facial rejuvenation) scheduled with us, and would like to add cupping to your appointment, please call the office BEFORE your scheduled appointment to make sure that we have enough time reserved for your treatment with additional add-ons. Last minute add-on procedure requests might not be accommodated due to scheduling constraints.